步履未行 我心飞翔丨SMA病友根根获2023阿里巴巴全球数学竞赛优秀奖

























Good evening,esteemed members of the Alibaba Global Mathematics Committee,fellow lovers of mathematics,and viewers worldwide.

I’ll start with a simple yet provocative question.Why can we prove anything meaningful in math?Amidst the vast realms of groups,measures,ordinals,manifolds,etc,why does a coherent,unified structure emerge?Why is it that by manipulating abstract mathematical entities,we can make predictions about the world which are verified to extraordinary accuracy?Mathematics could have easily been an intractable enigma,and yet,miraculously,inexplicably,humanity has been able to unravel a myriad of profound truths.

I have no chance of answering this enigma here.But what is clear to me,as a mathematician and physicist,is that math isn't merely about numbers or equations.Rather,it is the very language of the universe itself,a symphony of logic and patterns that underlies all of reality.

And on a deeply personal level,it is this same language that has allowed me to transcend the physical limitations of my body.I have Spinal Muscular Atrophy,or SMA for short,a condition akin to ALS but beginning in infancy.SMA leads to severe full body weakness,making me reliant on others for even the simplest daily tasks.From eating to turning in bed to using the restroom,every aspect of my existence demands external aid.

Yet,as the years have woven their narrative,even as my muscles weakened,my passion for understanding the world only deepened.Although I’ve never taken a physical step on this planet,in the rich and magnificent cosmos of mathematics,I soar.If I can understand the language of the universe,why should I worry about my physical limitations?I’d like to say to all those living with SMA or similar rare diseases:society might expect that due to your disability,you won’t be able to accomplish at the same level as the able-bodied.Brush that thought aside.The universe’s most profound melodies are perceived not by our limbs,but by our spirit and intellect.Focus there,and you will shine with unparalleled luminance.

Of course,behind every achievement lies a network of unwavering support,a necessity accentuated by the challenges my disability presents.My mother has been a constant pillar of strength…For two decades now,she has put aside the rest of her life to focus on fiercely obliterating any obstacles in my way.To my father,the silent fortress,and all those who've been my foundation—I am awash with gratitude.

The journey from MIT to Beijing for this award ceremony was a monumental challenge for my body,requiring a laborious 30-hour travel process.Even today,we faced the difficulty of bringing my 450-pound wheelchair from the first floor up the stairs to this room,as there is no elevator in this building.I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition Committee for their unparalleled support throughout this trip.

At the heart of this journey is another silent hero…Martin,or Ma Bin(马斌),the president of the Chinese Meier Advocacy and Support Center.Martin,also wheelchair-bound,orchestrated my trip here to Beijing in a mere two weeks.Today,I am proud to be dedicating$1000 of my prize money to the center’s cause.I hope this will contribute to Meier Advocacy's mission of dismantling the barriers standing against individuals with SMA,letting dreams transcend physical confines.I urge you to find美儿SMA关爱中心on Baidu and consider backing this pivotal organization.

As for the rest of my$5000 of prize money,I will allocate$3000 for my tuition at MIT and$1000 to organizations like thelifeyoucansave.org which are fostering education and alleviating suffering globally.In this way,I hope to see this prize foster a cycle of goodwill,encouraging us all to lend a hand where we can,so that together,we can elevate all of humanity.

In summary,this isn't merely about my achievements.It's a testament to collective grit,passion,and determination in the face of incredible difficulties.When we pursue mathematics,we express our conviction that no matter how intractable a problem may at first seem,a solution awaits.I hope that all of us can echo this sentiment in life,facing every challenge with tenacity,empathy,and creativity.By fighting to create an environment of compassion and perseverance,together,we can achieve our dreams.

Thank you.




